I'm convinced that nothing can make a pregnant woman look skinny... except a personal trainer and multimillion dollar modeling contract, which I have neither. But honestly, what is my attraction to horizontal stripes!! Anyways, here's me and Baby at 19 weeks.
And since I'm very much starting to show, I'm expecting the beginnings of the totally obtrusive, un-condoned, and slightly creepy "stranger's hands on my belly" phase. Pregnant women get accosted everywhere by all sorts of strangers longing to touch their growing bellies. Some will sneak a "can I touch your belly?" in while they come at you with open palms, others don't bother to ask first. But...
Raendi and I have come up with an acceptable response to this. Once their creepy hands are on my belly I will proceed to palm their faces, play with their noses, and otherwise manhandle their heads in a completely inappropriate and irritating way. Honestly, the first time I do this, I sure hope I don't get slugged... and that someone somewhere is videotaping it. (Note to self, send proposal to Candid Camera.)