It's a beautiful spring evening. Raendi and I just got back from a walk. Honestly, I feel like I could walk for miles these days. My body, though, had different ideas. We walked about 3 miles yesterday evening, down to the plaza and back. And I was very very tired and sore once we got back to the house. Strangely, it's the stopping and sitting that doesn't feel good, the walking feels great. And I realized today that for the first time in my life, I'm completely unaware of what my physical limits are.
But, I do have to say, laying out in the sun with my bare belly exposed to the warm rays is certainly bliss. I was out for about an hour this afternoon and it felt glorious. The grandmother next door came over and rubbed my belly as we tried to converse (she doesn't speak English and I know no Albanian).
We're going to wash the walls of the baby's room tomorrow in preparation to paint. Yay! Progress!
Ok, needing chocolate soft serve ice cream. Bye!