Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Late Night Sleep Avoidance

Hehehehe, I love LOLcats. :)

Yes, it's ten o'clock at night and I'm avoiding going to sleep. There is something about laying down that just doesn't agree with me the past couple of days. Yes, I have the Snoogle, yes I know to lay on my side. But, honestly, when I sleep on my side I get a cramp in my hip and I keep multitasking in my dreams which is very annoying.
So, instead, I'm listening to the gentle hum of my laptop fan on it's last legs, waiting for the laundry to be dry so I can switch it over, and enjoying petting the Kitten who decided that cuddled up next to my leg is exactly where she wants to be.
I borrowed the newest Twilight book from the library as well as Obama's Audacity of Hope. The first I just might take with me to the bedroom, the other is to keep my poor brain cells motivated to think when all I want to do is eat, nap, procrastinate, or obsess over my pregnant state. It's amazing how all consuming this experience is. I never appreciated it before, and apologies to my friends and loved ones for not "getting it" until now, I will be much more empathetic from now on. Once the Kidlet decides to enter the outer world, I'm sure I'll then graduate to understanding parenthood. Until then, I can only watch from the sidelines, a little baffled.
I had my glucose screening today, an hour and a super sweet syrupy drink later, I had made it through the blood draw and an OB appt. My BP still is nice and low and the Kidlet was sleeping so the heartbeat wasn't a problem to find. I asked the Dr about the position of the baby but she couldn't tell. All I know is that I feel lots of little fine movements over to the left of my belly, bigger movements at the top, and the heartbeat was low which, hopefully, means the kid is head down. (After my step-sister-in-law and friend Sarah's babies hanging out heads up, I'm doubly curious about the Kidlet.) Granted, the kid could flip anytime in the next month or so (or even longer), I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a head down and not too big kid.
Alright, almost time to check the laundry and then I think I'll listen to my hypnobirth relaxation CD. Hopefully that will send me to sleep. Gnight all.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

It was a great weekend and I'm beat. I'll be posting (hopefully) tomorrow the pictures of the product of our labor (think, 2X4s) and the newest belly pic. Speaking of belly, I just went back and looked at the earlier posts and I remember thinking, "God, I am so huge!" but, really, I wasn't. (Well, I wasn't compared to now!) I can only imagine what it will be like in a month or three when I'm due and unmistakably huge!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Nursery is Painted!!

So, the kitten thinks all the new improvements in the nursery are for her. She's in for a rude awakening...

Pepper spent her time on the roof...

And the little bit of painting I could do (because of the smell) was finish the edging.

But, Raendi did the majority of the work. All last weekend he repaired plaster, primed and painted. And it looks BEAUTIFUL! We'll post more pictures once the furniture is in, but below is a sneak peak with my 27 Week Belly Pict! The Kidlet, Momma, and Dad are all doing well. The cats remain blissfully unaware of any changes coming up on the horizon. And we had a lovely dinner with our friends the Whites, who are due in less than 4 weeks. Phew!