Thursday, June 25, 2009

Belly Love

It was a busy day of work, cleaning and getting ready for Dad and V to visit this weekend. A nice cup of decaf in the evening prepared by Raendi was well needed. (Thank you!!)

I'm still getting bigger, belly circumference is hovering around 41 inches at the moment.

Baby Shower #2 this weekend and then our bathroom project starts next week. Luckily I'll be out of town for the demo and the toilet will be installed by the time I get back. Phew!

Time to chill, more this weekend. :)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Thirty Two Weeks AKA the Baby Dragon I'm Carrying in my Tummy

Here I am at 32 weeks. The Kidlet is still kicking and rolling (and seems to have a fascination with reaching out and touching my hip bone which feels VERY wonky from the inside!). My belly is getting bigger by the day and I'm starting to slow down and need a nap during the day again.

As you can see, we have our changing table (Thanks Marc and Marina!!) and we are all set for when the Kidlet choose to make his/her way into the world. But, we'd prefer he/she wait at least 6 more weeks. (We like our kids well done, not rare.)

Speaking of well done, I am thoroughly convinced that when we finally meet our little bundle of joy, it will turn out to be a dragon. A baby dragon that has been breathing fire! This heartburn has been epic. The Kidlet may well be renamed the Dragonet if I have anything to say about it.

Off to eat more Tums... until next week. :)

The Great Pellet Migration

Yes, last saturday was the great pellet migration at the Wagner household. Thanks to our friends: Creegan, Justin (Stoolface), and Paul all 6 tons of pellets were moved wheelbarrow-full by wheelbarrow-full down the "back 40" into the basement. Yes the ramp held up, yes Rachel sat back and provided food, Gatorade and wet, cold towels when needed, yes Raendi worked his BUTT off. We are thankful that we only have to do this once a year.

Here you see the boys amidst the stacks in our old basement.

Here is Raendi making good use of the ramp. I'd like to call your attention to the forehead level missing siding. Yes, that was a casualty of Stoolface's head. (His head was fine, but he did exclaim: Arg, I broke their house!!)

Here's Paul going up for another load!

And Raendi coming down...

More pallets, we NEED more pallets!!

The mother-load...

And Raendi, Creegan (passed out) and Justin in heroic poses. It was quite a day!!

Until next year...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

30 Weeks and Another Project Done!

Here is the almost finished wardrobe for the Kidlet. It was a TV cabinet but by adding a rod for hanging clothes and Grampy's great drawers that he made for us we now have a perfect place for the little one's clothes. We will be putting the TV on top of the wardrobe, out of the way of little button pushing hands. This will be a perfect place for Raendi and the kid to hang if I'm teaching in the front rooms and we are excited to give new life to an old piece of furniture.

And, here is me, almost 30 weeks. This gives you even more of a taste of the nursery. Once we have everything set up, I'll post more pictures. I'm feeling great, the Kidlet has been very active and had had the hiccups off and on for a while.

We have our last HypnoBirthing class next Monday. We'll get a tour of the maternity ward at Memorial Hospital. It's been a great class and I've been spending a lot of time with the relaxation, visualization, and affirmation recordings in preparation for a nice, easy, completely booooooring birthing. To help create that atmosphere, Raendi and I have been thinking of other elements that will contribute to the most relaxing environment. Hot packs, a recording of a cat purring layered under relaxing piano music, the scent of lavendar, a photo montage of sleeping babies, the cats, tropical beach scenes and purple flowers to look at. All the things to keep me calm and help me breathe through the surges.

Now, if only I could figure out how to recreate our Honeymoon beach in Jamaica, It would be perfect!! *grins*

Our Ramp Project

Yes, that is me helping. We designed and built a ramp to go from the cellar floor, up the concrete steps, to the outside. This will make bringing the lawnmower and wheelbarrow in and out much easier. Not to mention the annual great Pellet migration from where they drop the pallets at the top of the backyard into the basement where we store them for the winter. I have to admit, it was frustrating that just about all I could do to help was hold things while Raendi did all the heavy work. But, I did contribute significantly to the design and the troubleshooting, so I wasn't completely useless.

And here is Raendi and Pepper with the almost finished product. What we don't have a picture of is the completed project. The ramp has traction tape on it now and Raendi made a nice handy little "dolly" to help move it in and out of the basement as we need it.

Here's Raendi looking all Heroic. He really did a great job. :)

Just so you can see the part that actually goes into the basement. The boys will be giving it a good workout on June 13th when our 6 tons of pellets are delivered. That will be the true test of the design. *crosses her fingers*