Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Snowy Tale of Fish Sandwiches

I think perhaps, at least for the time being, food will be a strong theme in our life. Considering every morning like clockwork I wake at 3am with the insistent sensation of hunger, like a small woodland animal scratching desperately in my stomach: FEED MEEEEEEE!!!! And I usually just get up to pee (for the 3rd time that night) and go back to sleep. By the time I wake up the little critter has fainted from hunger and I can leisurely choose breakfast, which for the last few mornings has consisted of a giant bowl of Corn Pops, yum!

Yesterday, running late for a meeting in Orange, I had stopped at Mc Donalds for fries, knowing that that would sit pretty well. And, just as a whim I ordered a Fish Fillet sandwich and a, very naughty, regular coke. As I'm driving away I open up the steaming sandwich box, pick up the sandwich, bring it to my mouth and take a bite and wait. Wait for the wave of revulsion that will make me spit out my bite into my hand. But no. It was fishy ambrosia! I could have eaten 7 of these delectable things! I was shocked and amazed considering no one knows what kind of fish it is, if it even IS fish... There's no accounting for a pregnant lady's taste.

And now today there is snow. I've got a ham to cook and will be heading out to the grocery store for some last minute staples to tide us over the next couple of days. The prospect of bringing up the grocery bags one by one up our snowy stairs isn't great, but I'm trying to adhere to the 20 lbs or less rule.

Tonight is New Years. We have Jenga and DVDs and books. We'll have munchies and quiet kitty company. And sparkling white grape juice. And great expectations. And a little tiny flutter of a heartbeat in me that is not my own. And lots of love. Wow. What a gift.

Happy New Year everyone!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Mystery

I'm all clear, just need to take it easy if I'm spotting. I'm hoping for a spotting free day so Raendi and I can go swimming at the gym. I tried a Tai Chi video this morning but just standing correctly was exhausting so I'm thinking I'll wait till the next trimester when this fatigue stops. In the meantime I lost 5 lbs since my last Drs visit last week, definitely due to the morning sickness (which totally doesn't confine itself to the morning!) and the fact that most foods seem pretty disgusting. Luckily Corn Pops, fruits, and ham are pretty tasty this week so baby and I will survive.
Baby now is almost 1/2 in. long, it's amazing. Below are my most recent ultrasound pictures, that fish looking thing in the black spot, which is my uterus, is Baby. :)

Monday, December 29, 2008

Ultrasound: Take Two

So, to still our worries and to make sure everything's ok I went in for another ultrasound this morning. And Baby Bean is doing wonderful, strong heartbeat (140 bpm), almost a 1/2 inch long (crown to rump) and growing like a weed. I'm going back this afternoon to talk with one of the OBs to see if we can figure out why I'm still spotting, but hearing and seeing that little heartbeat was plenty of reassurance for me!

In the meantime, I think I have to get off this internet information train. All the gloom and doom is driving me crazy. I'd rather sing lullabies and eat ham. Yes, ham. The only meat that is at all appetizing currently. Perhaps it's the salt...

I'll post again after this afternoon's appointment. :)

Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Family Knows!!

So, Dad and V are now in the loop, the first round of Christmas-telling is done. We are expecting... that is quite the term, expecting what exactly? baby poo? Sleepless nights? Mind-crippling waves of love? Of course we haven't told the MASSES yet, they will get the general "woo hoo" at the end of January when this first Trimester is over. We'll be happy when this general worrying and tentative joy will subside and we can finally tell the cats... even though we secretly think they suspect something...
We'll be posting our 1st and subsequent ultrasounds as well as updates as our days and weeks progress.

For now, the stats:
Due date: August 15th, 2009
Heartbeat at 6 weeks 3 days: 124 bpm
Parent's status: Ecstatic