Thursday, August 20, 2009

Rebecca Kyrie is here!

She's Here! Rebecca Kyrie born Aug 14th, 1:09pm via c-section. At birth she was 7lbs, 3.7z and 20 inches long. She's perfect. We are home now. As I can I'll be posting the birth story and the next part of our adventure. Right now priority is Becca, nursing, taking care of myself and sleeping when we can. Picts can be seen at:


EDITED: Fixed typos. That's what I get for posting on little sleep!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I was talking with Raendi last night about this strange limbo that we are in. The Kidlet is due on Saturday and many of my moments in the day are thinking about his/her birth. Not knowing when it's going to happen is both exciting and little anxiety inducing.

It's like a surprise Christmas morning, but instead of Santa Clause showing up with presents we pack our bags and head to the hospital for the marathon. Now, to run a marathon or climb Mt. Washington or something like that, I would normally prepare. I'd be sure to get a good night's sleep, eat a good breakfast, wear comefortable shoes. But, being pregnant, all that goes out the window! So, it's more like climbing a mountain after a night of dancing and a few too many apple martinis. It makes for a strange anticipation.

But, just like Christmas morning, when it finally arrives and we get to meet the little one, it's about family and love and hope in the world and joy. And it will be blessed work and moments to learn and oppertunities to grow and be thankful.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

39 weeks and 2 days! AKA Shhh, Daddy's Sleeping

So, while Raendi takes a well deserved nap, I decided to take a nice bath to soothe my sore back (overdid the nesting today I think!) and then take a 39 week belly pic. Please excuse the blurry focus. :)

We picked up a gorgeous old fashioned rocking chair for the front room on yesterday. The previous owner received it when she had her first baby 23 years ago and was happy to pass it on to our growing family. Good Karma for all! We spent the afternoon with the Creegans at their pool, the last Saturday before the Kidlet arrives as just a twosome at their pool. While the weather felt like early September, the pool was 85 degrees and heavenly. Taking the weight off my body by floating is certainly a lovely thing also!

With my due date not for another week or so, I'm still hoping that I'll go early. But, honestly, the due date they gave me is pretty spot on by my calculations. Looks like another few days at least of being pregnant and a quiet house. In some ways I'm going to miss being pregnant. It's been a miraculous thing that my body has grown this little person, provided all it needs and my job has been too take care of myself. Perhaps this is a reminder for the next stage of motherhood to be sure to continue to take care of myself?

G'night all, time to chill.

Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. Elizabeth Stone

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Blog-o-sphere

So, throughtout the time we've been expecting the Kidlet, I've been reading this blog: Heather is funny, honest, and willing to call something meaningful that is such. She posted the third part of her labor and delivery story recently and I sat on the couch, laughed out loud and cried reading it.

One thing she said about her labor and delivery and a natural childbirth experience really hit home:
"I did it. I totally did it. And I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe how lucky I was to be able to have this experience, that nothing went wrong. That they didn't have to intervene. I know that. I know there was a lot of luck involved. I know how lucky I am.

But I'm also so damn proud of myself for conquering this challenge, for doing the work and having it pay off, and having lived through that kind of pain, having gone into that place inside Jon's palm, I now have a new perspective on life. Yes, on life. It's just changed everything, I can't deny it.

She changed everything."

We are 9 days away from the Kidlet's due date and the most I seem to be able to do in a day is a few essential things and then wait and prepare. When talking about her decision to have a natural birth, Heather writes about some people who compare the pain of a root canal to the pain of childbirth, you get pain meds for a rootcanal, right? Why not for this too? And then she says that it's like comparing giving life to someone to a ... tooth. And I'm there with her. At 3am after my 5th bathroom run, I lay awake in awe and wonder at the sheer enormity and miracle of this experience. At some point soon this person I've been growing inside of me will come out, perfect in his or her imperfections, beautiful and wonderous and independant and soulful. I am in awe of this process. And I believe that this next part, delivering this baby, deserves the same amount of reverence in my book which is why I'm going in with all sorts of tools that bring me closer to the experience rather than keep me separate from it.

I feel prepared, not that I know what will happen finally or have any control over what happens, it's the bit of risk that make it worth it somehow. But I feel prepared to go into this experiece with enough knowledge and practice to be able to be present. And I can't wait to meet our little one. Whenever you are ready Kidlet, we are.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Finished Nursery

Alas, I have been lax in uploading pictures of the nursery. Here is the final product!

Changing table and supplies.


Crib and bookshelf.

Play table and such...

Rocking chair and the Kitten who still thinks all the hubbub around the house is for her. ;)

Friday, July 31, 2009


So, it's called lightening when baby drops into place in the pelvis. And it's true that it's easier to breathe and the heartburn lets up. I feel like I can eat a real portion of things without feeling like I'm full up to my collarbone. And the sensation of taking a deep breath is heavenly. But, honestly, who put the bowling ball on top of my pelvic floor? I can barely walk without feeling like the Kidlet is gonna just drop out. And speaking of the darling one, he/she is super active today after taking a rest yesterday. Lots and lots of movement, kicking, hands in my hips, head turns in my cervix, the massive roll that is buttocks moving across my belly. "I know honey, you are cramped in there. It won't be long now!"

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Waiting Game

At the OB appointment this week my Dr said that I'm 1cm dilated and 90% effaced. She said that I might go this week but will most likely still be pregnant at my next appointment next Tuesday. All I know is that my heartburn is less today than it has been, baby is still very very low, and I feel like I only have a short time to get all the last minute things done. I changed my hair appointment from next Wed to tomorrow, just in case.
And I feel ready. Peaceful even. Raendi's been wonderful. He has installed both car seats and has been such a great help with bringing me food and cold water for my feet.
So, we wait and try to stay cool. :)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Long Overdue and 37 Weeks!

So, for pictures of the bathroom renovation go here. Otherwise it's finally Summer here. Hot and muggy and thunderstorms in the vicinity. I'm starting to nest. With the bathroom finally done and the tragic saga of the truck complete, we will hopefully have no more drama until the kidlet arrives. Meanwhile, the urge to fold, clean, and sort is overwhelming at times. The kidlet is sitting low and I'm feeling all sorts of new sensations which tells me that we are both getting ready for the big day.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Has it really been a month since I last updated?

With the bathroom renovation, a cold I had, and the sad demise of the family truck it's been a busy few weeks. I'll have pictures and stories this weekend since the bathroom will be finished. YAY! For now, I'm almost 37 weeks, belly is big, and health is good. ((hugs)) to all.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Belly Love

It was a busy day of work, cleaning and getting ready for Dad and V to visit this weekend. A nice cup of decaf in the evening prepared by Raendi was well needed. (Thank you!!)

I'm still getting bigger, belly circumference is hovering around 41 inches at the moment.

Baby Shower #2 this weekend and then our bathroom project starts next week. Luckily I'll be out of town for the demo and the toilet will be installed by the time I get back. Phew!

Time to chill, more this weekend. :)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Thirty Two Weeks AKA the Baby Dragon I'm Carrying in my Tummy

Here I am at 32 weeks. The Kidlet is still kicking and rolling (and seems to have a fascination with reaching out and touching my hip bone which feels VERY wonky from the inside!). My belly is getting bigger by the day and I'm starting to slow down and need a nap during the day again.

As you can see, we have our changing table (Thanks Marc and Marina!!) and we are all set for when the Kidlet choose to make his/her way into the world. But, we'd prefer he/she wait at least 6 more weeks. (We like our kids well done, not rare.)

Speaking of well done, I am thoroughly convinced that when we finally meet our little bundle of joy, it will turn out to be a dragon. A baby dragon that has been breathing fire! This heartburn has been epic. The Kidlet may well be renamed the Dragonet if I have anything to say about it.

Off to eat more Tums... until next week. :)

The Great Pellet Migration

Yes, last saturday was the great pellet migration at the Wagner household. Thanks to our friends: Creegan, Justin (Stoolface), and Paul all 6 tons of pellets were moved wheelbarrow-full by wheelbarrow-full down the "back 40" into the basement. Yes the ramp held up, yes Rachel sat back and provided food, Gatorade and wet, cold towels when needed, yes Raendi worked his BUTT off. We are thankful that we only have to do this once a year.

Here you see the boys amidst the stacks in our old basement.

Here is Raendi making good use of the ramp. I'd like to call your attention to the forehead level missing siding. Yes, that was a casualty of Stoolface's head. (His head was fine, but he did exclaim: Arg, I broke their house!!)

Here's Paul going up for another load!

And Raendi coming down...

More pallets, we NEED more pallets!!

The mother-load...

And Raendi, Creegan (passed out) and Justin in heroic poses. It was quite a day!!

Until next year...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

30 Weeks and Another Project Done!

Here is the almost finished wardrobe for the Kidlet. It was a TV cabinet but by adding a rod for hanging clothes and Grampy's great drawers that he made for us we now have a perfect place for the little one's clothes. We will be putting the TV on top of the wardrobe, out of the way of little button pushing hands. This will be a perfect place for Raendi and the kid to hang if I'm teaching in the front rooms and we are excited to give new life to an old piece of furniture.

And, here is me, almost 30 weeks. This gives you even more of a taste of the nursery. Once we have everything set up, I'll post more pictures. I'm feeling great, the Kidlet has been very active and had had the hiccups off and on for a while.

We have our last HypnoBirthing class next Monday. We'll get a tour of the maternity ward at Memorial Hospital. It's been a great class and I've been spending a lot of time with the relaxation, visualization, and affirmation recordings in preparation for a nice, easy, completely booooooring birthing. To help create that atmosphere, Raendi and I have been thinking of other elements that will contribute to the most relaxing environment. Hot packs, a recording of a cat purring layered under relaxing piano music, the scent of lavendar, a photo montage of sleeping babies, the cats, tropical beach scenes and purple flowers to look at. All the things to keep me calm and help me breathe through the surges.

Now, if only I could figure out how to recreate our Honeymoon beach in Jamaica, It would be perfect!! *grins*

Our Ramp Project

Yes, that is me helping. We designed and built a ramp to go from the cellar floor, up the concrete steps, to the outside. This will make bringing the lawnmower and wheelbarrow in and out much easier. Not to mention the annual great Pellet migration from where they drop the pallets at the top of the backyard into the basement where we store them for the winter. I have to admit, it was frustrating that just about all I could do to help was hold things while Raendi did all the heavy work. But, I did contribute significantly to the design and the troubleshooting, so I wasn't completely useless.

And here is Raendi and Pepper with the almost finished product. What we don't have a picture of is the completed project. The ramp has traction tape on it now and Raendi made a nice handy little "dolly" to help move it in and out of the basement as we need it.

Here's Raendi looking all Heroic. He really did a great job. :)

Just so you can see the part that actually goes into the basement. The boys will be giving it a good workout on June 13th when our 6 tons of pellets are delivered. That will be the true test of the design. *crosses her fingers*

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Late Night Sleep Avoidance

Hehehehe, I love LOLcats. :)

Yes, it's ten o'clock at night and I'm avoiding going to sleep. There is something about laying down that just doesn't agree with me the past couple of days. Yes, I have the Snoogle, yes I know to lay on my side. But, honestly, when I sleep on my side I get a cramp in my hip and I keep multitasking in my dreams which is very annoying.
So, instead, I'm listening to the gentle hum of my laptop fan on it's last legs, waiting for the laundry to be dry so I can switch it over, and enjoying petting the Kitten who decided that cuddled up next to my leg is exactly where she wants to be.
I borrowed the newest Twilight book from the library as well as Obama's Audacity of Hope. The first I just might take with me to the bedroom, the other is to keep my poor brain cells motivated to think when all I want to do is eat, nap, procrastinate, or obsess over my pregnant state. It's amazing how all consuming this experience is. I never appreciated it before, and apologies to my friends and loved ones for not "getting it" until now, I will be much more empathetic from now on. Once the Kidlet decides to enter the outer world, I'm sure I'll then graduate to understanding parenthood. Until then, I can only watch from the sidelines, a little baffled.
I had my glucose screening today, an hour and a super sweet syrupy drink later, I had made it through the blood draw and an OB appt. My BP still is nice and low and the Kidlet was sleeping so the heartbeat wasn't a problem to find. I asked the Dr about the position of the baby but she couldn't tell. All I know is that I feel lots of little fine movements over to the left of my belly, bigger movements at the top, and the heartbeat was low which, hopefully, means the kid is head down. (After my step-sister-in-law and friend Sarah's babies hanging out heads up, I'm doubly curious about the Kidlet.) Granted, the kid could flip anytime in the next month or so (or even longer), I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a head down and not too big kid.
Alright, almost time to check the laundry and then I think I'll listen to my hypnobirth relaxation CD. Hopefully that will send me to sleep. Gnight all.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

It was a great weekend and I'm beat. I'll be posting (hopefully) tomorrow the pictures of the product of our labor (think, 2X4s) and the newest belly pic. Speaking of belly, I just went back and looked at the earlier posts and I remember thinking, "God, I am so huge!" but, really, I wasn't. (Well, I wasn't compared to now!) I can only imagine what it will be like in a month or three when I'm due and unmistakably huge!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Nursery is Painted!!

So, the kitten thinks all the new improvements in the nursery are for her. She's in for a rude awakening...

Pepper spent her time on the roof...

And the little bit of painting I could do (because of the smell) was finish the edging.

But, Raendi did the majority of the work. All last weekend he repaired plaster, primed and painted. And it looks BEAUTIFUL! We'll post more pictures once the furniture is in, but below is a sneak peak with my 27 Week Belly Pict! The Kidlet, Momma, and Dad are all doing well. The cats remain blissfully unaware of any changes coming up on the horizon. And we had a lovely dinner with our friends the Whites, who are due in less than 4 weeks. Phew!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Sun, Spackle, and Belly

Here is our outdoor Oasis. I particularly love the hammock and without the wisteria it's a much sunnier spot. But, alas, this weekend was too warm for sunbathing and now it's too chilly. But, I don't think it will keep me from sneaking a few minutes out in the sun this morning.

We finished spackling the kidlet's room. Spackling is such a relaxing job. Fill, scrape, fill, scrape. It's satisfying...
And this is me in all my summer-in-April glory. The forsythia, along with everything else, is in full bloom and I think the kidlet liked being out in the sun. It really was a beautiful weekend and I'm looking forward to the summer!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Wisteria, Plaster and Cats

It was a very productive weekend in the Wagner household. First, Raendi finally removed all the wisteria from the pergola out back. While it truly is beautiful for the 2 weeks in the spring when it's blooming, it's a very invasive plant that may have already wormed it's shoots into the foundation. So, it had to go. We'll be dosing it with Round Up for the season. Rest in Peace!

We also stripped all the striped wallpaper in the baby's room and washed the walls in preparation for priming and painting. We are still a bit baffled at the walled-over door in the corner (where Raendi is working in the picture). The Kitten watched from her perch on the window, not helpful at all but what do you expect from a cat!

At the end of the day Pepper, after a very exciting time outside chasing leaves and teasing the Kitten, curled herself up into the smallest ball possible on our bed. I was envious. :)

Friday, April 17, 2009


It's a beautiful spring evening. Raendi and I just got back from a walk. Honestly, I feel like I could walk for miles these days. My body, though, had different ideas. We walked about 3 miles yesterday evening, down to the plaza and back. And I was very very tired and sore once we got back to the house. Strangely, it's the stopping and sitting that doesn't feel good, the walking feels great. And I realized today that for the first time in my life, I'm completely unaware of what my physical limits are.

But, I do have to say, laying out in the sun with my bare belly exposed to the warm rays is certainly bliss. I was out for about an hour this afternoon and it felt glorious. The grandmother next door came over and rubbed my belly as we tried to converse (she doesn't speak English and I know no Albanian).

We're going to wash the walls of the baby's room tomorrow in preparation to paint. Yay! Progress!

Ok, needing chocolate soft serve ice cream. Bye!

Monday, April 13, 2009

22 Weeks and Stuffed Full of Skittles

It was a whirlwind weekend but one of the nicest parts was visiting the Whites. Sarah is a little over 31 weeks now and is glowing! Looking at the photo, I'm completely amazed at how fresh she looked at 9pm on Saturday night while I looked (and felt) like a zombie. She is an inspiration. And it was wonderful to spend hours talking about being pregnant. While other friends might be fine with the occasional conversation here and there about the process, I certainly get self conscious about talking too much about the myriad of experiences I'm having. Even though my life is certainly dominated by my burgeoning belly, it's not everyone's current experience. But 2 pregnant ladies in a room together, all decorum goes out the window.
Today I'm having the distinct feeling of being much larger than I was 5 months ago. I'm suppose to be larger, I tell myself. I'm right in the middle of the suggested weight gain for the week I am, I tell myself. But, frankly, I feel like a house. I gotta get over this skinny is beautiful thing, but, of course, the media and my own body preferences just don't help. Hmmm... off to look at beautiful preggo belly picts to make me feel better.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

20 weeks, 1/2 way there!!

This was taken on Saturday, such a beautiful, warm spring day! Baby's getting bigger and stronger. Raendi was able to feel Baby move for the first time this week and he found it to be quite the experience. Singing this morning, Baby seemed either to really enjoy or really hate the organ at the church. All through the service was the Baby Dance Party. :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Growing and Growing

So, it seems that baby and belly are stepping up the growing. I'm starting to get pretty uncomfortable sleeping and need to invest in a Snoogle. And we also got the news today that our Quad Screen came out normal. Yay! Now, onto lunch...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

19 week belly picture :)

I'm convinced that nothing can make a pregnant woman look skinny... except a personal trainer and multimillion dollar modeling contract, which I have neither. But honestly, what is my attraction to horizontal stripes!! Anyways, here's me and Baby at 19 weeks.

And since I'm very much starting to show, I'm expecting the beginnings of the totally obtrusive, un-condoned, and slightly creepy "stranger's hands on my belly" phase. Pregnant women get accosted everywhere by all sorts of strangers longing to touch their growing bellies. Some will sneak a "can I touch your belly?" in while they come at you with open palms, others don't bother to ask first. But...

Raendi and I have come up with an acceptable response to this. Once their creepy hands are on my belly I will proceed to palm their faces, play with their noses, and otherwise manhandle their heads in a completely inappropriate and irritating way. Honestly, the first time I do this, I sure hope I don't get slugged... and that someone somewhere is videotaping it. (Note to self, send proposal to Candid Camera.)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

18 Week Ultrasound Pictures!

Here you go. First is Baby in profile on the right side of the pict:

Then baby feet!

Then Baby's face (kinda hard to make out) on the middle right of the pict...

Then Baby looking at us:

The appointment went really well. We succeeded in not caving on our decision to stay in the dark about baby's sex. We and everyone else will have to wait till the big day! (Though the US tech was teasing us that she knew...)

Healthy baby, healthy mama, smiling daddy. :)

Belly... 18 weeks!

Today we're going in for our 20 week (almost) ultrasound. I'll be posting baby photos soon! But, for now, here's my 18 week belly...

Van Halen Chucks

So, Raendi is really the coolest dad-to-be. Check out the Chucks he made for the little one! Super cute! :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Spring, Winter, What?

This weekend was a beautiful tease of spring. And then we got snow. Saturday I sat out in the sun with my belly all naked to the rays and wondered if the light was bugging Baby. Yesterday I was huddled next to the pellet stove watching the ground turn white with big downy annoying flakes.
But, with any late winter (early spring?) snow it's melting today and with the rain we're getting tomorrow, I expect it to disappear by the end of the week.
And Baby is moving. That sweet little flutter and jump that happens more often each day. I notice it more when I'm sitting down and I wonder what's going on in there. Gymnastics? Karate? Ballet?
We have our mid-pregnancy ultrasound next Tuesday and I really can't wait to see (and for Raendi to see) our little bean looking like a human instead of a lizard.
Everyone keeps saying that our lives will change drastically. And I keep thinking, I hope so! That's one of the most exciting parts (comes from a change-loving gal). And people look at me with expectation. But, honestly, I just feel peaceful and ready.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Shhh... Baby is Listening

So, at 16 weeks the Bean is listening. Hope he/she likes music! With my Cabaret Saturday night, the Jim Scott concert at WSC Monday, and the Vivaldi Gloria next Sunday there's plenty to keep those ears busy. Sometimes I'm afraid that we might have a kid who hates the sound of my voice. That would make both my very necessary practicing at home and lullaby singing much less enjoyable for both of us. March is full performance wise and April is getting there.
And, Bean will most likely be letting me know soon enough his/her opinion. I'm already feeling little flutters but in a few weeks they will become more frequent. And then there will be the full blown kicks. I can just imagine being in the middle of a money note and getting a kick to the bladder.
So, that's the update. Sorry no belly pic, we've been busy and poor Raendi has been laid up with a bum foot. I hope we'll get to one this week.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Bathing Suits

The task of buying a bathing suit for an ever expanding belly was a lot harder than I thought. Raendi and I alternate our gym visits between swimming and the treadmill. Yesterday was suppose to be a swim day but non of my pre-preggo bathing suits fit. So, knowing Target has a good selection online, we went there. And proceeded to find nothing because they didn't get their shipment in. Then we went to another store, nuttin. I was feeling pretty discouraged. We went to the gym and did 30 min on the treadmill. But, then Raendi suggested we hit the other Target and low and behold, bathing suits!! Supportive, expanding, and cute (for a maternity suit). I'm still going to be wearing my bikini tops with the maternity bottoms but it's nice to also have a more modest maternity tankini top will be great for the Y pool. We'll do a belly picture tonight, I've definitely popped for the world to see. No mistaking now!!